
Oliver Schacht

Ph.D. Student
University of Hamburg
oliver.schacht (at) uni-hamburg.de

About Me

I am a second year Ph.D. student at Martin Spindlers Chair of Statistics with Applications in Business Administration at University of Hamburg. My research focusses on applying machine learning to causal effect estimation to understand relationships in the data that go beyond correlations. I work on software implementations and applications of causal machine learning frameworks. I am contributor of the python package DoubleML. I have worked as a data scientist at Economic AI before.

Research Interests



  1. PMLR
    Oliver Schacht, Sven Klaassen, Philipp Schwarz, Martin Spindler, Daniel Grünbaum, Sebastian Imhof
    Proceedings of the KDD'23 Workshop on Causal Discovery, Prediction and Decision, PMLR

  2. CLeaR
    Philipp Bach, Oliver Schacht, Victor Chernozhukov, Sven Klaassen, Martin Spindler
    Proceedings of the Third Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning


If you are interested in collaborating, feel free to reach out.

Address: Moorweidenstraße 18, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
Office Location: Room 0025
Email: oliver . schacht (at) uni-hamburg.de
Phone: +49 40 42838-1517

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